AAAAAA YEAH!!!!! Here's the new (but not yet the finished) version of the TCB TRACKER... Most important function: You can save modules!!! And now for the keys: < : set color Y to š: set note SPACE: clear note INS: insert note pos. DEL: delete note pos. cursor keys: set note pos. / channel F1: cut channel F2: cut pattern F3: paste channel F4: paste pattern F6: write on / off F7: note pos. 00 F8: note pos. 10 F9: note pos. 20 F10: note pos. 30 (,): fast loop set ENTER: play . : record 0 : stop you can also click on: +---+ |INS|: insert pattern pos. +---+ +---+ |DEL|: delete pattern pos. +---+ +---+ |COA|: move to first unused pattern +---+ that's all folks!